Saturday 10 May 2014

People and business........


People and business

Back in fashion sebhibho and this time no one is laughing

Politician’s sell policy’s and  people are statistic’s on the numbers highway

 like gangsters sell coke without conscience- its people business

Preachers sell heaven and none of them want to die before they enjoy the profits

Some prophets sell hope they don’t believe in faith is the individuals sickness

N’ganga dzonyora ma prescription

this generation yavayema tattoo’s vana havasina nyora

the epitome of global democracy is selling death, bullets don’t care about breath they have no ethics,they only have victims massgraves,unmarked graves and lachrymose societies.

This business is about marketing  addiction ,

putting a high price on fiction and indirectly saying fuck you to reality

the other part of the globe is addicted to drugs by now their scientists have tablets for laziness

The world is faced with a veiled threat ,

the terrorist is the one without a veil

 the jihadist is the one  taking million’s on pay per view

its psychological warfare  they rob freedoms in the name of God so they can pull the trigger on that weapon of mass deception

 the threat owns the media and the guns on both sides

sending  fiend’s ,suicide junkies and promising brides

that ‘whitemen’ is now the salvation of black’s but to whom did your forefathers pray?

was this not a land of miracles ,did not the rock speak and did you not listen?

By the way we’ve decided  to call it freedom of worship.

Since we raised the volume on those radio’s  all we follow is the bass and twitter

They say we must read ,but who is writing and what is written?

More  fashion dread’s a few rasta’s- oh bumboklaat

Hugh hefner pushes visual Viagra  and  now we  are all on some mental erection our mind’s penetrating thing’s

The church pushes bibles the way capitalists push rifles

Its gun’s and drug’s, pimp’s and thug’s

 B’bylon Sell’s fear and addiction  to the public  they get us hooked so they can place society in a straitjacket   

The system prefer’s rehabilitation centre’s to nation’s

Where we are forcefed ,kept alive so we can consume more nonsense

But without the masses they is no concept of a system

 big nations are pimps their soldiers are licensed and practiced thugs,mercenaries,enforcers on small nations

small nation’s are placed on the corners like its  their destiny

 treated like prostitutes

 who have to endure opening their skinny thighs to be ravished by the fat demands of  disease ridden tyranny that makes them spread while it holds the missile’s  and economic threat’s to its head.

Africa is not a group of nations  caucasing and toyi toying  for bread

The more the unrest the more the business chaos is met with the force of copper and lead

They would rather cause infection and have a monopoly on the cure

Now small nations can be raped and pillaged silently, screams muffled by  the ‘open market’ philosophy.

They sell war and we donate with our suffering

Suddenly the world must cry for the cause of Israel and forget the thousands Palestinians that die daily

 but Israel  your hand is upon the throat of your brother

Who says  its justice when the world pays millions to Nazi victims and to Africans not even a cent.

But let us ignore money minded doctrines based on horse and rider relations

Reparations are the cure ours together singing the song of affirmative repossession

Wall street is the place of public execution  and privates salvation

The global system sells education for human industry

no one is ever free we are in bondage from the age of 6 when we are taught to be industries  tool’s

the slave master found craft men with hand skills now we are taught begging when their gamble ‘education’ fails us

Azania is it apartheid or xenophobia?

The black men still goes home facing the sun is it not a sign that we are distracted made to chase what we can never catch?

 I’ve had  introspection through the gates of meditation it's time for action.

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